Calling Time Read online
Page 21
Searing pain sliced through my stomach as he leered over me. His tongue dipped from the side of his bloodied mouth as he dug the blade of the knife into my skin. My body had taken a beating, laying in a crumpled heap on a cold bathroom floor, my head lolled to the side. I had no more fight left in me. My screams were silent, raging a battle in my head as he tore at my flesh and surely extinguished the heartbeat that grew inside...
“You cold?”
Reaching down to pick up the comforter, he threw it at me, laughing. The velvety cover landed across my body in a haphazard fashion, shielding my exposed parts, giving me a meagre warmth as my bones rattled within. It was more than mere temperature chilling my frame.
“You should sleep.”
Sleep sounded like a luxury I couldn’t afford. I was exhausted from the long day and my nerves were strung tight from the evening. With reserves rapidly depleting, adrenaline and fear raced through me, keeping still an almost impossible task. I reluctantly closed my eyes and tried to shut off while he sat silently at the bottom of the bed; keeping vigil. Eventually drifting off, I wondered if that was exactly what he was waiting for, if falling asleep would be the last time I closed my eyes. The propensity to care diminished along with my strung-out consciousness, my last thought, Lucca.
Driving away from Laura’s house, especially after what we’d done, somehow felt shallow. I couldn’t find it in me to feel embarrassed at having fucked her in the front seat of my car. No, as crass as it was, the sex never once felt that way. My cock stiffened in my pants as I remembered Laura’s tight pussy squeezing me as I came inside her. I quickly deflated thinking about why it was possible to spill inside her without using a condom, or any contraceptive. Fucking cruel is what it was, the realisation that I’d never be able to give her everything she might have wanted, cut at me. I shook it off, didn’t want the day sullied with her past or mine. She’d been smiling when I left. I’d take that and be happy with it.
Parking the car in the driveway, laziness had me leaving it there instead of pulling it into the garage. The lights were on at the front of the house, telling me Ayden had come home, with Jake in tow most likely. My evening got better. I opened the front door, loud angry voices greeting me. I frowned in confusion until I heard the all too familiar shrill of Stella’s voice.
What the fuck?
I hurried my steps toward the racket and stormed into the kitchen to be confronted with the image of my ex-wife all up in my son’s face, pointing at him, screaming obscenities. Oh, hell no. Wasn’t happening, not in front of me, not in my house, not ever.
Ayden looked my way, unperturbed by his mother’s theatrics, which relieved me but didn’t quell the anger that exploded.
“Get the fuck away!” I yelled, marching towards Stella. She flinched as I shouted, her tirade toward Ayden stopping abruptly. I pushed between them and got up in her face. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I left some things.”
She looked behind me to Ayden who was chuckling humourlessly. I took a quick look back at him too and he shrugged at me, folding his big arms across his chest. Jesus, when had he grown so big, where had my boy gone? He was no longer a child but a man. A big one at that. And his mother was trying to goad him into an argument. She had no fear. He’d been taught never to hit a woman, and here Stella was - pushing buttons I wasn’t sure he knew how to control yet.
I turned back to the woman I couldn’t wait to be rid of. “Then get your shit and leave.” I pointed to the kitchen door. “And don’t come back. You’re not welcome here, Stella. Ever.”
She glanced around the kitchen, smirking. “Cleans up good, huh?” I didn’t miss her meaning and it only served to boil my anger hotter. Time to get a few things straight.
“You mind leaving us, son? I need to talk with your mother.” I didn’t take my eyes from her, feeling Ayden move from my back, his hand sweeping across my shoulder, a sign of assurance that he was okay.
“No mother of mine.”
“Watch your mouth!” Stella barked, scowling as Ayden left the room.
She made to move after Ayden. Having none of it, I grabbed her arm, my fingers tightly digging into the flesh of her bicep. I had not an ounce of sympathy left for this woman.
“Don’t you fucking move,” I warned. “What are you doing here, Stella?”
I took a quick inventory of my kitchen before I dragged her from the room and down the hall to my office, not letting go of her arm, not caring if she stumbled in her ridiculous heels.
“You’re hurting me, Lucca,” she whined from behind.
“Do I look like I give a shit?” I gripped harder, likely leaving bruises. I was past the point of caring with this woman. I barged the office door open and propelled Stella inside before kicking shut the door behind us. I launched forward, my face barely an inch from hers. “You don’t get to come into my house again. Not after what you did.”
She stood stiff, no emotion crossed her face. The woman was hollow. How had I never seen how empty she was before? It felt like an eternity until she spoke. I didn’t move, I stood my ground, not giving her an inch. She’d seen me that way one too many a time, enough was enough.
Through gritted teeth, she delivered what she clearly felt was her parting blow. “I should have killed you.”
Her noxious words having no effect on me. “Maybe you should have. Let me tell you, Stella,” I took a step backward, “anything happens to me? They come looking for you first, I made sure of it. The settlement’s more than fair. Take it and fuck off. Stay away from Laura. Stay away from Ayden, it’s perfectly clear how he feels about his mother, don’t you think?” I moved across my office and yanked the door open. “You go after either of them, or I hear anything...” I looked her straight in the eye, making sure she heard my promise. “I’ll come for you myself and I won’t leave you lying in a hospital bed. You hear me?”
She stalked past, her heels clacking down the corridor. Not a word passed her lips, not a look came my way. I heard rustling as she collected whatever it was she’d claimed to have forgotten then the bang of the front door as she left. I sagged where I stood, relief washing over me.
Ayden cleared his throat off to the side and I swung my head his way, deflating at the sight of his filled eyes.
Still a boy...
I reached out and pulled him into my chest. He gripped my shirt and sobbed, the sound cutting my heart painfully. We held one another for a long time, gathering strength.
“What happened to her?”
I sighed, not sure of the correct answer to give him. I’d eventually learned of her history before me, events that explained why our love had never been enough for her. Why she was bitter. It was a can of worms I wasn’t willing to open. Not now, perhaps in the future I’d be able to sit down and tell my son that his grandfather had killed his grandmother, and we were revenge for an event that happened over twenty years ago. Stella’s history was dark and putrid, I refused to taint my son with the truth until it became a necessity. I’d shown him love and comfort his mother wasn’t capable of, and for once I’d felt I’d done something right. I loved my son unconditionally enough for both of us.
He whispered, ‘thank you.’ I had so much pride in my son and hope for our future.
“Jake here?”
“Yeah, he disappeared when she banged the door down.” Sounded like Jake, great young man, hated confrontation of any kind. He’d seen enough dramatics throughout his years of friendship with Ayden and he always took flight. Right choice in my opinion. “You okay? You want to talk about it?” I ran a hand through the dark hair on his head, like I used to when he was a young boy and he’d cuddle into me before bed.
“Nah, dad. It’s nothing new, you know.”
“You shouldn’t have to hear it, Ayden.”
He shrugged again, telling me it would roll off his back. I knew better, had been on the receiving end all too often. It was difficult to ig
nore her jibes, not let them sink in and gnaw at you, make you question yourself. I prayed her actions didn’t impact too harshly on his life or his outlook. I’d tried to protect him, Ryder had too, hopefully it’d been enough.
“How’s Laura?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and I slapped him as I chuckled at his change in subject.
“She’s fine.” I checked my watch. “I have to call her shortly. You and Jake keep your noise down, yeah? This old man needs his sleep.”
Ayden turned and bounded up the stairs towards his room. I wandered through the house, giving each room a once over, switching off lights and closing doors. I found myself standing in the kitchen, staring at the floor ten minutes later. Memories still raw, thinking I was taking my last breaths on the tiles beneath my feet. It seemed only fitting I took my first free breaths here too.
Shutting off the light, I climbed the stairs, looking for the comfort of my bed. Thoughts of Laura whirled around my head. The woman had stolen my breath, stolen my heart, undoubtedly. I pulled my phone from my pocket and slung it on the table by the bed. Peeling off my clothes and carelessly dumping them in the corner, I climbed into bed naked, a dangerous thing considering I was about to call Laura. She made my blood stir at the slightest thing, there was no way I wasn’t going to be tenting my sheets when I got her on the line.
Not bothering with the lamp, the outside lights at the back of the house had been left on, casting enough of a faint glow across the room. I could see plenty. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and searched Laura’s number, then called. I waited about as patiently as a kid in a candy shop while it rang on her end, then flipped over to voicemail. I hung up not bothering with a message, I’d call again in a while.
The boys laughing down the hall made me smile. At their age, my life had been vastly different and stressful, I couldn’t remember ever being as care free as my son was, until recently.
My phone beeped, and I held it up to my face, so I could see the screen better.
Ryder: 6 am. Be up!!!
I was getting too old to be up before the birds. I scrubbed my hand down my face and typed a text back.
Me: I’ll be up, dude
No reply, which figured. He was probably all tucked up nice and cosy with his woman. I regretted leaving Laura. I called again, voicemail picking up for a second time. I shoved my phone back on the bedside table and closed my eyes for a minute...
Startling awake to heated voices, my hands were numb from their position and the cable ties biting into my wrists. My jaw ached, and angry red welts protruded like bracelets on both arms, but I still had some wiggle room to play with. I stretched my fingers, wincing at the sting, straining to hear who he was arguing with, to hear who else was in my house. Another person in the equation ramped up my fear exponentially, not a good sign, not for me by any stretch of the imagination. My time was rapidly running out and I couldn’t figure out my escape, it seemed impossible as long as my hands were tethered to this fucking bed.
A fit of anger overcame as I rattled the headboard, pulling at the binds, only serving to dig into already tender flesh. A feminine voice rose in irritation. I stopped struggling and made great effort to listen, recognising the voice. I’d heard her before, couldn’t quite place her. Not someone I knew well or had even spoken to often.
“Finish it,” she barked angrily.
The door opened a fraction and although I heard her clear as day, I couldn’t catch on to his low reply. I wriggled on the bed again, the comforter slipping further down my body, the ties holding fast, nipping my wrists painfully. There was simply no way my hands were coming free without the ties being cut. I looked over at the door again and caught a glimpse of his back, the petrol can in his hand more alarming than the woman arguing outside my door. I slumped, defeated, my head crashing into the pillows on the bed.
God, I was so fucked. Monumentally fucked.
It was Stella. Stella was in my house which was not splendid news, in fact it was terrible news - the bitch was crazy. I was certain the woman had murder on her mind, after all, what was this? How was she connected to him, of all people? Stella must be the girlfriend.
She breezed into the room and I snapped my eyes closed. Maybe if I feigned sleep she’d piss off. Dealing with one deranged lunatic was better than two. The bed tipped to my side and the overpowering sickly, sweet smell of her perfume soured my stomach as she bent over and prodded my wrists, tutting.
“Bitch, please.” Stella’s breath wafted over my face when she spoke. “You’re awake. I’m not fucking stupid.” I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to look at the woman. “Have it your way, Laura.”
The bed shifted again, and I guessed she’d moved. The cold hand that gripped my ankle under the cover startled me.
“Oh, I could have some fun with you, sweet Laura.” Her fingers rubbed up my calf and stopped at my knee. “But, that’s not my style.” Stella squeezed then pinched my thigh so sorely I yelped out in pain. “How’s Lucca?”
My eyes sprang open and I was met with icy frigid ones. I hoped she saw the challenge in mine, I would not go down without a fight. Not this time, not ever again. I yanked my leg from her hold. “Get the fuck off me!”
“She always this feisty?” He said nothing while she cackled like a witch. “You’ll not be so mouthy by the time he’s finished with you, I guarantee it.” Stella moved her hand from under the comforter. Her hit came quick and fast, there was no time to prepare for the unexpected lash. Pain flourished on top of pain and blood trickled down my chin. “Let’s see how defiant you are with a busted jaw.”
She punched this time, a hell of a crack in the same place and I felt a tooth move. I spat the blood that had filled my mouth at her face.
She stood up, glaring at me. “Fucking bitch!”
Another punch, higher, the downward force adding more impact. My cheek smarted painfully with that one. I flashed a bloodied grin at her, unperturbed.
“He’s not gonna want you tomorrow, Laura.”
Howling with laughter, the hysterics came thick and fast. “He’s not going to want you ever.”
“You know, you’re not in any position to piss me off. In fact, I would say you’re in no position to be doing anything right now, wouldn’t you?”
She took a step back, “Take what you need, then finish it.” She waved a hand in the air and walked into the en-suite, leaving the door open, to clean herself up. I could see him lurking in the corner of the room, the can I’d seen earlier sitting at the door.
I should have kept my eyes on him though, in the next moment he was there, teetering at the side of the bed, staring down at me. His hand came around my throat as he climbed over me on the bed, his grip tightening when he straddled me much like earlier. He yanked the cover down and away from my body, exposing my breasts. I shivered violently, the chilled air and fear surrounding me only heightening the goose bumps travelling across my skin.
Tepid fingers tugged at my frigid nipple, his hand around my neck still, cruel and rough, a sharp twist then he let go. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a knife I instantly recognised. Finally, everything became too much, the slither of composure I’d managed to contain shrank to nothing. My breathing hampered through lack of air and warm fluid seep from between my legs. My bladder let go and I drenched my own bed with urine.
“Ah.” He flicked open the godawful implement I knew far too intimately and held it an inch from my face. “You remember this, I see?”
“So pretty, Jessie. Let’s see how soft that beautiful skin of yours is...”
I froze, eyes wide as the steel blade glinted before me. His grip loosened from my neck, his fingers peeling back then letting go completely. He yanked at his belt buckle and the zipper of his jeans, tearing open the denim and then shoved his hand inside, reaching for his dick.
The thought of being subjected to his brutality once more pushed me past my last point of sanity. I tried to buck him off, to wrestle his body from mi
ne, the fucking knife coming closer and closer until he pushed the tip under my chin.
“Stop.” He leaned over me. “Don’t make me hurt you.”
What the fuck? Was he not already hurting me in the worst way?
I stilled underneath him, the wet sheets were chilly and stuck to my legs. When he pulled back up, he had his cock out and was stroking himself. I squeezed my eyes shut, the depravity of this man too much to bear. He was going to rape me, no matter what. The sick arsehole was taking it all from me again.
Stella returned, I’d forgotten all about her for a moment which wasn’t a clever thing to do. I knew what he was capable of. Her? I had no idea, which, in my mind, made her more dangerous. I shifted to face her, watching as she sat in the chair beside the bed. One leg was slung over the other, her high heeled foot swinging back and forth in obvious agitation. She crossed her arms over her chest and I didn’t fail to notice her attempt to clean my blood from her blouse. I took small satisfaction I’d ruined her silk top.
When I heard him grunt, my attention veered his way again and Jesus Christ, I wished I hadn’t looked. He was turned on and wanking on top of me, like he got off on the fact Stella was watching even more. His hand was moving up and down his angry, purple dick with a quick pace, he was engrossed, transfixed by his own hand.
Some of my fear abated as I lay morbidly fascinated with the unfolding scene, it was the strangest thing. Maybe because when he came - and he would - that he’d be vulnerable, that he would lose the semblance of power he held over me for a few seconds. The situation was futile, the knife beside my head as good as useless. With my hands still tied to the bed, I couldn’t make a grab for it.
A fierce grip on my breast yanked my focus back. I shrieked at the pain, twisting to be free. Stella held tight and grinned menacingly at me, a silent promise of more pain to come.
“You wanna fuck her, baby?” Stella said, her voice sappy and caring, like she was talking to a child. Oh yeah, she ruled him, he wasn’t lying when he said he’d do anything for her.