Calling Time Read online

Page 19

  The room hadn’t changed much since I’d last been here years ago, it was still the oppressive shit hole. A dank smell lingered from too much smoking and drinking, tainting my nostrils in an unpleasant way, almost making me gag. I sat in the chair next to my best friend and looked at him, taking note of the casual posture, he faked so well. His foot was up on his thigh and his leg bounced. He stared his father down, neither flinched.

  Charlie leaned back in his chair, a smug grin settling on his face. “Well, to what do I owe the pleasure, son?” He looked from Ryder to me, then back again. “I see you delivered my message, Lucca. Like the good little boy you are.”

  “Cut the crap, Charlie!” Ryder barked out.

  Two big, burly guys piled into the room behind us and situated themselves at the open door. What Charlie was afraid of I didn’t know, I smelled a hint of fear among the putrid age-old cigar stench that was satisfying.

  “What is it you want?” Ryder asked.

  Charlie wasted no time. “What I’m due, Ryder. What I’ve always been due. Don’t act like the stupid kid you used to be,” he snarled. “You belong to me; did you forget?”

  “Belong to you? What world do you live in? I ain’t seen your sorry arse in years.” Charlie’s comment did nothing to allay the anger slowly ratcheting up in Ryder. His shoulders tensed, and he gritted his teeth. “You’re such a piece of shit!”

  “You bought my club?” Charlie changed tactic, Ryder was having none of it, he’d come to make a statement.

  “Those your runners outside?” Charlie said nothing. Ryder got up from his seat and eyeballed him. “Well...” He rubbed a hand through the loose waves of his hair. “The prodigal son returns.” Charlie’s lips tipped up with the start of a smile that Ryder soon swiped from his face. “And I’m here to put you down. I belong to no one.”

  Charlie snickered. “Not quite the family reunion I’d hoped for. Your sister will be disappointed.”

  Ryder jumped lightening quick, almost launching himself over the table. The two goons sprang into action and were either side of Charlie as I reached forward and grabbed at Ryder’s jacket, hauling him backwards.

  “Where is she, you son of a bitch?”

  The old man relaxed back in his seat, relishing his son’s anger, almost enjoying it. He flicked his head toward the door and gestured to his guys to slope back off to where they came from.

  “Where she’s always been, son. With me.” His grin was disgusting. Half rotten teeth, tobacco stained and foul like the man himself.

  Ryder shrugged from my hold and let out a strangled cry. He knew where Chrissie was, I didn’t understand his distress. We could never get a foot in with her though, Charlie’s hand was tight around her, she always had some meat head following her around. Ryder had let her be when it became clear she was Charlie’s daughter through and through and safer where she was. Why the old man was mentioning her now was beyond me.

  “You harm one hair on her head and I will kill you with my bare hands, dad.” He thumped his hand on the table in front of Charlie and snarled at him before spinning on his feet and striding toward the door. “Your days are numbered, mark my words.”

  I left the room behind him, passing the two gorillas scowling from the door. It wasn’t intimidating in the slightest, just pathetic. It didn’t look like Charlie had much muscle left. Interesting.


  The cold snap which had gripped much of the country through the winter, continued. On Saturday morning, I found myself huddled in the back seat of Ryder’s huge truck, tucked into a big scarf and an even bigger coat, my skirt thicker than usual. The scant annoyance I felt toward Taylor melted the moment Lucca’s warm hand reached over and encapsulated my frigid fingers. With a dimpled smile, he winked at me. All I had in return was a shy grin. No words.

  I hadn’t expected to be ‘double dating’ this morning, to an auction lot, of all places. I had to wonder whose brilliant idea it had been. My money was on my meddling sister and her wicked ways. However, the chance to spend some time with Lucca outweighed the need to thump Taylor’s arm.

  Ryder and Taylor chatted aimlessly in the front, their manner relaxed, as if they’d known one another all their lives. My sister was head over heels in love with Ryder, it wasn’t the first time I was seeing the same thing reflected in him. The feeling was entirely mutual, he didn’t try to hide it either. When it was safe to do so, like at a red traffic light, he’d find reason to reach over and touch her, or look her way. It made my heart melt. She deserved this.

  “You okay?” Lucca’s low voice rumbled close to me.

  He’d inched over in the seat, so he could talk. I didn’t flinch away, just smiled, my eyes flitting back to my sister. Lucca’s fingers tightened around mine, garnering my attention again.

  “I missed you.” His smile was disarming.

  The dark circles he’d had around his eyes the few weeks before were virtually non-existent. He appeared fresher, less tired now. I blushed, thinking back to the last time I’d seen him. Yes, a repeat would be lovely. Yes, I had missed him too. Was I meant to mirror his words or keep them to myself? I didn’t know the proper etiquette in this type of situation, what sounded right or too needy or too flippant. I was clueless. I suddenly felt awkward, my hand in his not so warm anymore.

  “It’s okay,” he said, again tightening his fingers. “I don’t need the words. I can see it.”

  “I’m sorry,” I apologised. “I guess I’m not sure how to do this.” Unable to look him in the eye, I was embarrassed at my social ineptness.

  “Is this making you uncomfortable?”

  He held our paired hands up between us. All I could think of in the moment was Stella and how she’d most likely gouge my eyes out if she could see me now, for even sitting in the car with him. The memory of the other day outside the grocery store was enough to douse my enthusiasm for the day ahead. I was left with a bone deep coldness I wasn’t sure I could hide.

  Lucca let go of my hand and I immediately felt the loss. Shuffling closer still to me, his arm came around the back of the seat, curling around my shoulders. Not quite drawing me in, yet touching all the same. It was comforting enough for the time being.

  “I don’t want that, Laura. I’d like to have an enjoyable day with you, where we can both relax, have fun, get to know each other some more.” He looked up front to Ryder. “I can get out though, not come. If that’s what you prefer?”

  I gasped at his offer, feeling like a bitch. Leaning into him, I made my words sure, so there was no mistake and told him ‘no’. I decided to be brave, to take a leap, to take the initiative. I snuggled into him further and planted my lips firmly on his. His hand came to the back of my head as I moved away, and he held me firm. A quiver rolled through my stomach as his eyes searched mine, I found I loved the way he looked at me. Like I was his all.

  It made me want to believe that this man, Lucca Rinaldi, was my life’s great love. A million and one reasons stopped the thought from taking root.

  Walk before you run, Laura, walk...

  Lucca bent closer and took my mouth with his. Nothing Oscar worthy, PG rated - it felt like everything and more. I forgot where I was, who I was in the truck with, as a baser instinct unfurled within me. I tried to deepen the connection, kiss him harder as I sunk my hands into the confines of his pea coat. A throat clearing from upfront disrupted my ministrations and we both pulled away from the other. Me giggling. Lucca’s eyes twinkling. Oh yeah, I could definitely love this man.

  There was no more talk as we headed toward Brighton. James Bay played through the truck, one of Taylor’s favourite albums Ryder didn’t seem to mind playing. I listened intently to the words of ‘Need the Sun to Break’ and they warmed me, gave me hope. I found myself tapping my feet in the foot well and trying to grin discretely. As it ended, I wanted to hear it again, I patted Taylor’s shoulder and asked her to replay. Lucca’s fingers twisted around my hair gently as I hummed the tune when really, I wanted to sing it fro
m the rooftops, damned my tone-deaf notes.

  “Fitting,” Lucca whispered into my ear.

  I caught sight of Taylor watching me in the rear-view mirror. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, she was far too serious when she looked at me. I nodded slightly, and she looked away, seemingly satisfied with whatever she had been searching for.

  Ten minutes later, Ryder pulled into the busy car park of the auction house. People milled around and for once it didn’t bother me, I wasn’t scared to be in such a public place like I usually was. Whether it was Lucca’s presence or safety in numbers, I wasn’t sure, life had shifted, and I liked the way it comforted me. My anxiety in the past had brought me to my knees one too many times, not today. Not today.

  “You got a hat, sweetheart?” Ryder asked Taylor. She pulled her beanie from her bag and waved it in his face.

  “Of course, Laura too.”

  She hooked a thumb in my direction as I started digging in my own bag at my feet, eventually finding the cosy hat I’d shoved in there earlier.

  “Here, let me.”

  Lucca took the beanie and pulled it over my head. Gentle, careful hands tucked stray hairs into the sides of the hat so they were off my face.

  “Better,” he mused, “let’s go.”

  Then he climbed out the opposite side of the truck. I hated the distance, despised the space between us so I climbed over the seat and got out behind him, surprising him when I tugged the back of his jacket to drag myself from Ryder’s monster truck.

  Once we were all out and gathered together, we decided on a plan of action. Ryder and Lucca were looking for some original features for their restaurant. Taylor hadn’t said anything, I hoped she’d find an item or two and have no reservations buying them for once. I was looking for a tub. A claw foot tub specifically. A salvage lot would have been better but sometimes these auctions were surprising. I loved the fact both these men enjoyed doing auctions like us too, a noteworthy plus point.

  Lucca grabbed my hand as we walked into the auction hall and registered for bidding. Taylor and Ryder headed off for some seats as Lucca and I waited for our numbers and paddles. Yes, they still used those old-fashioned paddles. I yelped in astonishment when Lucca rapped it across my backside as we walked to join the other two.

  “Couldn’t resist,” he shrugged and winked at me.

  Lord, I fucking melted, right there in front of an audience while he smirked at me like he’d won the lottery. My face turned the colour of beets and I smacked his arm as we sat down.

  “Behave...” I smirked, watching the dimple pop out and his gorgeous eyes crinkle at the sides as he shook with laughter. Lucca was so easy and comfortable to be with that I relaxed and went with the flow in no time at all.

  * * *

  Lucca insisted on driving me home when the day came to a close, even though I could walk from my sister’s flat. After the auction being a bust and none of us buying anything, we’d gone out for food and ended up in a quaint, seaside restaurant that looked out over murky, grey waters and the twinkling lights of Brighton. The night had come swiftly, so swiftly none of us noticed. We’d laughed and joked, and did exactly what Lucca had suggested that morning. Got to know each other better. All four of us. We were beginning to build a friendship between us, something I’d missed for so long. It had always been Taylor and me.

  I’d not wanted to say goodnight and sighed despondently as Lucca squeezed his huge Porsche Cayenne into the dark parking space along the side of my house. Although the porch lights were on a timer and illuminating the front of my property, the side was still in semi darkness. When I looked over at Lucca, his eyes glistened from the residual light yet through the dimness his features remained dark. Intoxicating.

  “Thanks for today.” He picked up my hand and gave it a squeeze. “I had a lot of fun.”

  Yeah, today had been one of the better days I’d had these last few years, I wasn’t likely to forget it in a hurry. “We should definitely do it again.”

  He tugged me closer. “Maybe the two of us next time?”

  “I’d like that.” My voice was unintentionally shy, I felt like a teenager all over again.

  “Come here.”

  Lucca motioned over to himself, pulling at me, before sliding his hand to my hip and nudging. He bent forward and released his seat, springing noisily backwards then strong fingers propelled me to him. I climbed into his lap, catching his intention. The size of the car and the seat being back gave me enough room to straddle Lucca’s muscled thighs. I leaned back against the steering wheel, unsure where to put my hands so placed them atop my legs, my nerves making a show.

  Lucca’s fingers dragged across the collar of my coat and he flipped the top open, then pushed forward to nip at my bottom lip. I darted my tongue out to catch his, a groan reverberating through me when I made contact. He unbuttoned more of my coat, using both hands to flip it open. Next, he tugged on my scarf, pulling it free of my neck giving him the freedom to sink his teeth into the fleshy crook, sending shivers through my whole body.

  My arousal stirred further when his hands shifted, and he pulled me flush against his chest. I could feel his length jutting against the hottest part of me and all I wanted right then was to be full of him, to take his cock and wring him dry. I rocked against him, this time he growled as his fingers pulled my coat further out of the way. His hands disappeared again, gripping the globes of my backside, my thick skirt no barrier; everywhere he touched, I blistered.

  I had to touch him back. Being too impatient to lift his thick cable knit jumper over his head, I slipped my hands under the warm wool and clumsily reached for his belt buckle.

  “Laura...” Lucca warned, but arched into me as it gave way.

  I yanked the button of his jeans open and pulled at his zipper, my fingers seeking his erection. I took a tight grip of his length and stroked firmly. Lucca’s head thudded against my chest and he bit through my top. I yelped when I felt the nip, less out of pain, more out of pleasure.


  I did as he asked, and he gathered my skirt to my waist, then gripped the seam of my panties and ripped with force, pulling the torn garment down to the top of my thigh. Frigid air whispered across my wet centre making me shiver.

  He shifted further down in the seat. “Hold onto the headrest,” he said, looking up at me.

  In the shadows, I could see the intensity of his features, a softness to the glow of his mesmerising eyes. I leaned over and held on. I felt him fumble between us then moaned when his hot crown slid through the wetness between my legs. Fuck, didn’t take much where Lucca was concerned, the man only had to skim a finger anywhere on my body and I was so lost for him.

  He canted his hips back and forth, a gentle rhythm, teasing. I wasn’t for being teased, there’d be time for that later. Right now, I wanted his thickness to spread me open, to fill me, to make me come.

  “Hurry,” I whispered against the silky texture of his hair.

  Those warm hands gripped my hips tight and without much ado, Lucca entered me, sliding right on home, the sensation had my tummy clenching and somersaulting, my breath gasping and my legs shaking.

  “Jesus,” Lucca cried. He wasn’t loud, neither was he quiet. “You feel like home, Laura. I could fucking stay here forever.”

  He wasn’t moving, taking pleasure in the moment of connection, much like I was. But no, I needed him to shift, to claim me again.

  “Move, ride me,” he said, gritting his teeth, mirroring my thoughts.

  I used the headrest for leverage and started moving in his lap, his thick length sliding in and out, rubbing me in just the right way with each movement. My breaths were ragged, his were laboured, and between us the windows fogged in no time, the air heavy with expectation, heavy with fervent passion.

  “ good. Perfect.” Husky words slammed to the very pit of my soul, rolling through the car.

  Blunt fingernails dug into my arse as Lucca rose to meet my downward movements. I rode
him like I was the queen of the fucking rodeo. Up and down, I impaled myself on him over and over until my thighs trembled and my orgasm flew at me from nowhere. I cried out, the sensations almost too much to bear. My entire body clenched and tightened when I felt the rumble of Lucca’s animalistic grunts as he held me impossibly tight and rode the crest right along with me. My orgasm peaked as Lucca’s cum filled me. Lord, was it glorious. I was delirious, not sure I’d ever find the right words to explain the thrilling feelings racing through me.

  “Oh, fucking hell...fuck, fuck, fuck...” Lucca whispered as he bucked a few more times, his teeth clamping on my collar bone. I arched back at the contact, seating myself on him, not wanting to move for an eternity.

  “You slay me, Laura. I can’t think past you,” he mumbled into my neck.

  Letting go of the headrest, I twined my arms around his shoulders, requiring to be impossibly close. Feathered kisses up my neck had me shivering, the damp starting to invade the heat of the car. Lucca pulled away and shrugged my coat back around me, wrapping me up tight.

  “You okay?”

  I pecked a kiss on his nose. “I am, I really am.” It wasn’t a lie, my heart soared and my face ached as I ground down on the man who’d turned my world upside down, making it right again. “Ready?”

  Lucca nodded against me and I lifted off him, watching as his spent cock slipped from me, glistening with our mingled lust. He let go and shifted up in the seat, tucking himself away before he pulled at the ripped knickers on my thigh, snapping the last threads. I giggled and shimmied my skirt over my legs as he tucked the ruined silk into the side pocket of the car.

  “I want you in a bed again. My bed.” He looked at me seriously. “This isn’t nearly enough.”