Calling Time Read online
Page 17
“Let me see you,” Lucca rasped in my ear as he pushed his upper body away from mine.
I got what he meant, he wanted the shirt off. I ran my hands over his shoulders and down his firm chest, gripping both hems of his sweater and t-shirt, pulling them awkwardly over his head, shuffling the garments off and eventually throwing them down the stairs.
Lord, the sight was fucking beautiful. Supple flesh and the hint of ink had the saliva in my mouth threatening to dribble from my lips. He wasn’t ripped but defined, a softness to him that meant sleeping on him wouldn’t feel like a slab of marble. The smattering of dark hair across his chest did things to me, delicious things. I ran the tips of my fingers through the silky hair until I came across where he’d been shaved in the hospital, the area spiked and coarse.
No matter how appealing he looked, there was no turning the eye away from the two-inch scar, pink and raised, on his chest. The knife had missed the tattoo there, only just. I swept careful fingers across the puckered skin, hitching a breath.
“It’s okay, Laura. It doesn’t hurt.”
A tear slipped past one eye as I checked out his upper body, less lustfully than before, taking in all the silvered scars and pinked scratches. Those were Stella’s handiwork, I knew without him saying so. I sucked in a breath that was filled with so much grief I almost choked.
Lucca took my chin in his hand and looked lovingly at me. “I want this,” he murmured.
Another tear escaped, a stray drop of sorrow betraying me. It was the first time seeing what his attacker had done to him, what Stella had done to him and it hurt far more than I thought it ever would. That someone could want to kill this man for the sake of a few material things, was beyond me. That his wife held him in so little regard she felt fit to damage him this way, made me angry.
My eyes skimmed his broad chest, mentally counting the scars that marred his olive skin. My anger subsided when I read his ink - his son’s name - scrawled across his heart. I traced my fingers over the script, a longing subduing me for a moment.
“Look at me.” Lucca still held my chin, his hold gentle, firm. “I’m okay. I’m okay now, Laura,” he assured.
My lips trembled as I accepted his words. He let go of my face and kissed me lightly, his hardness still rocking against my pubic bone. Cool air hit my skin as Lucca unwrapped the scarf from my neck, letting it flutter to our feet. He wrenched open my shirt, buttons pinging down the hardwood stairs in all directions and I gasped as he bent down and bit my peaked nipple through the lace of my bra. He made no mention as to the scars that defaced my own skin while he tugged the loose shirt from my body, throwing it behind him when he finally got it free.
Talking and trepidation were done with, there was no room for anything other than the passionate blood that thrummed through my veins. Like a switch flipping, Lucca growled against my breast as he wrestled the bra from my body.
“Grab on,” he said, his hands disappearing between us. “I need to fuck you, Laura.”
Lucca’s hands grappled at his belt and I heard the loud clang of metal hitting wood as his jeans fell down his legs. Hot flesh hit hot flesh causing my heart to race, his underwear had gone with the jeans.
“Can I?” His hands went back to my arse cheeks and he dug his fingers in, playing along the string of my thong. “Bellissima. Never felt anything like it. Beautiful.”
“Please...” A foreign word had never sounded so goddamned sexy before. I moaned, sounding desperate. “Please...”
Teeth sank down into the fleshy globes of my breast as he pulled my thong, the tight friction rubbing at my clit as he see-sawed the material back and forth. My body had a mind of its own; I bucked against Lucca, desperate for the contact as he rubbed up and down, sending me half delirious with anticipation. Hitching me up again, his erection slipped between the apex of my thighs, rubbing against the wet material of the thong string.
“Take the fucking thing off.” My patience dwindled with each rub, the friction nowhere near enough to get me where I wanted to be.
He chuckled ignoring my instruction, instead pulling the material aside and dipping his finger into me. In and out quickly, barely penetrating, teasing...and then the contact was gone, and I felt the slippy crown of his cock sliding through the slickness of my pussy. Jesus, I was about to combust.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, Laura.” His low rumbling voice warmed me further, dick slipping inside before he withdrew. “So good, I promise.”
Number four was one I could get on board with and I was going to hold him to that promise.
I wanted to come like nothing ever before. Lucca sucked on my neck as he pushed into me. Nothing gentle about it. I didn’t want soft, I wanted to be fucked, mauled, ravaged. He pulled back and pushed in again, filling me, spreading me, humming into my neck, standing still as if savouring the moment.
“Lucca.” I moved my hips as much as he would allow. “Fuck me...”
“Oh, I intend to,” he chuckled.
He pulled almost all the way out again then punched back in. I saw stars, my head snapped back, and I arched closer as he shoved into me. I held on for dear life as Lucca pound me against the wall. No apologies, just thrust after thrust after thrust. I wailed, and I moaned, and I gritted my teeth staving off an orgasm that was coming way too soon, barrelling straight for me. With each tug and pull between us, our pubic bones clashed, material rubbing against my clit and heightened the pleasure as I soared.
Lucca shifted, and I saw he’d put one foot on the step below us, driving up into me at a different angle, hitting all the right places. I grabbed great swathes of his hair in my hands and gripped as my body locked tight, my toes curled, and that ache blossomed wildly, pushing me over the last hurdle. My pussy pulsed and throbbed around Lucca as he stilled, his hand reaching between us, his finger flicking at my clit, helping me ride out my orgasm. Erratic tingles assaulted me, my breasts ached, my nipples tightening painfully. I shouted incoherently, loud enough to wake the street, as wave after wave of sensation swept through me. I was vaguely aware of Lucca muttering, I didn’t care, this was all me. I was taking my fill and basking in the glorious feelings washing over me. Only the loud thudding of my heartbeats in my ears penetrated. Sweat trickled down my damp skin as I tripped the light fantastic, headlong into a spiral of bliss and delight.
Lucca pulled his hand away and began moving again, picking up his pace, almost frantic this time. I heard scattered ‘fucks’ and ‘yeahs’ and grunts as he bit down into my flesh and fucked me against the wall with a brutal finesse. Succumbing to his own fit of ecstasy, he came in jarring thrusts and shouts, I held on tighter, afraid of letting him go. My heart was fit to burst.
Nothing had ever felt so wondrous. Nothing had ever felt so right. I couldn’t let this man go if I tried. I knew I was ruined. I knew I was fucked. I knew...I knew it would only ever be Lucca.
My legs threatened to give out, my orgasm was spent but I was so far from done with Laura. Not sure where her wild abandonment came from, I embraced it and let her own it, despite the surprise. I’d never been a selfish lover with Stella, yet standing on the stairs with my jeans around my ankles and trying to catch my breath, I could be with Laura. Not so much in taking what I wanted, no - more making sure she took what she desired. I’d bow to her whims, no questions asked.
Once our frantic breaths had settled and my heart no longer hammered, I became conscious of the fact that cum was dripping onto the floor between us. A moment of panic struck me.
“Shit!” I pulled out of her, my cock not entirely sated, probably after another round and cursed again. “Shit. Laura. I’m sorry.”
I was a grown arsed man for Christ’s sake, how could I forget a bloody condom? No way. I wanted to do it right this time and I had just royally fucked that notion right out the window. This was brand new between us, it couldn’t start with an unplanned pregnancy. Scurrying to look anywhere but at Laura, embarr
assment stained my cheeks, my irresponsibility churning in my gut. What a fucking way to ruin the moment.
“I’m sorry,” I said again, staring at the pool of fluid puddled on the stairs between us.
Laura wriggled in my arms, signalling she wanted down. I set her legs gently on the stair, straightening her skirt, watching it fall to her ankles and hide my poor judgement. Her hand gently pushed at my chest and I shuffled back, bending down to yank up my boxers and jeans. I didn’t bother buckling back up, just shoved my pleased as fuck cock into the confines of the material.
A million words fell between us, not a single one uttered as we stood fixated on the other. She led me up the stairs pointing to what looked like a bathroom while she slipped into another room, presumably her bedroom. I cleaned up and washed my hands before tiptoeing back to the room Laura had disappeared into.
She lay in her bed, her covers up to her waist and a t-shirt hiding her beautiful body. I took the hit of disappointment making no mention of it as I walked to the foot of her bed, my hand reaching out to touch her covered foot.
“Are you staying?” she asked shyly.
I dropped my head, not yet ready to voice any words for fear of the wrong thing slipping out.
“Then get in.”
She flipped back the covers and I undressed, hesitating when I was down to my boxers. Fuck it, they came off too. I slept naked, I wasn’t about to change that now for the sake of modesty or embarrassment. I had a passable body, I took care of myself as much as a busy nearly forty-year old man could. I watched Laura look away as my semi chubby and I slipped under the cool sheets. Awkward was certainly top of the moment.
Once she’d huddled onto her side facing me, I did the same, getting comfortable. I simply stared at her, in awe of this beautiful woman and what we had done. I wasn’t about to regret our first time against the stair wall, it had been hot as fuck. I wanted a repeat of it. Many repeats.
I was still overwhelmed and annoyed with myself though. I cleared my throat, moving a stray lock of hair away from her face. Her neck and shoulders were still ruddy from her orgasm and I was awash with satisfaction. I remembered the condom disaster and smugness ebbed to worry.
“I didn’t use a condom, Laura.”
She clasped her hand with mine under the covers and sighed. “It’s okay.”
There was no follow up, no explanation as to why and I questioned myself on whether or not to push it. I didn’t, instead I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She came willingly and snuggled into my chest, any doubts chasing me falling with the heat of her body against mine, I was content to be lying with this amazing woman in my arms.
* * *
Hot. I woke up too hot. I was wrapped around Laura, my leg slung over hers and her head snuggled into the crook of my neck, a position I could get used to. Stella had always slept at the other side of the bed, no cuddles, barely any skin touching at the best of times. I lay there enjoying the new sensation until Laura moved, holding me tighter, as if she was afraid I was going to take off. I found it funny. I was right where I wanted to be, where would I go?
I kissed her head and felt her move closer, my morning wood poking into the top of her thigh. I skimmed my hand down her clothed back, finding skin at the bottom, I slipped my hand underneath the bunched-up material and swept my palm over the small of Laura’s back, up towards her shoulder blades. She had the smoothest skin I’d ever felt, silky and warm, yet it felt mottled with raised marks in places.
“Hmmmm...” The satisfied humming noise she made told me she was stirring from sleep. “Morning.”
Her voice was gruff, still sleepy sounding. I wiggled closer as she shifted her leg, moving between mine where she pressed her thigh against my balls.
“Morning,” I returned, feeling the burning swell of arousal in the most delectable of ways.
I groaned. “Kind of.” I kissed the top of her head again and kept brushing my hand across her flesh.
“You want some coffee?”
I pushed away from her. “Take this off.” I grabbed at the hem of her t-shirt. “I didn’t see you properly last night. I want to see you.”
The t-shirt came off without protest and Laura lay in front of me in a pink thong that begged to be stripped. I flipped the duvet back and raked my eyes down her body, marvelling at her naked skin. My fingers reached out to touch the jagged scar that ran the entire width of her stomach. I sucked in a breath, then observed Laura, a tightness coiling my muscles.
“No condom.” I said quietly, realisation dawning on me. “I didn’t need one, right?”
She shook her head, unable to speak the words, a bone deep wretchedness evident in her eyes. She didn’t need my sympathy nor my pity, that much I knew, the time had come and gone years ago for that, here wasn’t my place for apologies. I pushed my finger against her lips and shook my head back at her. She kept looking at me, I didn’t want her explanation, she didn’t need to give it. The reasons had no place between us.
“Okay.” Laura kissed my finger. “Okay.”
Her eyes met mine briefly, I wasn’t finished my slow perusal. I examined the thick, ropey scar that travelled along her collarbone and up the side of her neck. It hadn’t been a minor cut either, the intent was clear in the scar the knife had left behind. Tears sprang in my eyes as I leaned forward and kissed at the skin there, my heart sensitive to the pain she’d endured. And for what? The sake of some money?
Who, in their right mind, would do such a wicked thing to such a beautiful creature? “I will never hurt you, Laura. Never.” I grimaced at her, a tear dropping down my face. “I promise.”
Tears shone back in her eyes as I pressed my mouth over hers and kissed her deep, my hand trailing between us and resting on her stomach again, my finger stroking the scar. She pulled away.
“I met your wife, Lucca.”
“Ex-wife. When?” I frowned at Laura. Her having met the bitch from hell spelled nothing good.
“After our coffee date. The day you ended up in hospital.” Laura ran the tips of her fingers across the raised pink flesh on my chest.
Stella turning up at my house suddenly made sense. Just because I hadn’t seen her around hadn’t meant she’d left Beaufort. I didn’t want to lie to Laura, I wasn’t that man, yet I saw no point in telling her the truth. She couldn’t know Stella was the one to attack me.
“She warned me.”
Laura’s confession compounded my need to find Stella. There was no way on earth she was hooking her talons in, she wasn’t ruining another single thing in my life.
“Said you’re not on the market. Not for the likes of me.”
Not for the likes of her? Who the fuck did Stella think she was? I couldn’t make light of the situation, no matter how much I wanted to laugh at Stella’s cheek. I didn’t want Laura worrying over my bitch of an ex-wife a minute longer.
I stopped rubbing my hand up the bare skin of her back and moved to grab the firm flesh of her arse cheek. I roughly pulled her closer, flexing my hips so there was no denying how aroused she made me. How much I wanted only her.
“I’m not on the market.” Her sweet smile would have brought me to my knees had I been standing. She understood what I was telling her.
“No. No, you’re not.” Laura’s words were resolute, and I had nothing in return to say.
We lay for a while, our hands running across warm flesh, subtle hums of approval escaping now and then. Her thoughts running in directions I didn’t know. I wasn’t going to pry. Laura would say whatever was on her mind when she was ready, I’d learnt that about the sisters early on.
I flashed a smile and shimmied closer, grabbing at the discarded t-shirt she was trying to pick up. “Laura.” I reached for her wrist before she rolled from the bed. “Don’t go...”
She grinned at me, hopefully thinking my idea was a super one. I snuggled back down into the bed, hauling her with me. She pulled
the duvet up over our heads and giggled, more carefree than I’d ever heard her.
There we stayed and made-out, morning breath and hangover kisses had never tasted so sunny. Soon, our legs tangled, our hands wandered, and I hadn’t felt happier in the longest of times. When she straddled me, and my arousal slipped between her wet lips, my heart flew a million miles an hour. I was lost to Laura Hamilton.
I eased up into her, claiming her as mine, watching as she savoured me filling her. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open on a gasp, her nipples taut and begging for attention. I lay back and let the world melt away as Laura took her pleasure and towed me along for the ride.
I was in my own happy daze. Lucca had eventually gone home, he had a restaurant to open and a house to buy and I had my own things to do. I liked that he wasn’t clingy, was content to give me space. We made no arrangements to meet up again, his goodbye on the porch of my house left me with no doubts I’d be seeing him soon enough. He kissed me stupid then wandered off down the road, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. There was a promise to call and I was counting, after the one he’d made while kissing my scars, this made six. I was confident he’d never break a single one.
I moseyed around the local grocery store, happy to take my time to remember what was on my list for a change. With what little I wanted, I decided the shop in Beaufort would do fine instead of the supermarket. I’d shoved those uncomfortable thoughts of my last trip there to the back of my head, not wanting anything to spoil the mood I had going on. My phone beeped while I was reading the contents of a ready meal that looked far too appealing.
Taylor: Well?
I snorted and shoved the packet back onto the refrigerator shelf, my attention drawn to my phone. The store was quiet, it wouldn’t matter if I lingered.