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Calling Time: Book #1 - The Razer Series Page 11

  Since entering the room half an hour ago I’d felt helpless. Hopeless. I couldn’t guess where his emotions were, he’d killed his best friend in cold blood. No hesitation. No second thoughts. I had no doubt he would do the same to me if he saw fit. Yeah, hopeless about summed me up all right.

  I didn’t wonder for long where his head was at. He roughly yanked my skirt up over my hips and savagely ripped at my underwear. Pretty laced panties he’d playfully twanged that morning, lay shredded at my feet now. Dread blanketed my bones - this wasn’t meant to be happening, I had a million and one things I wanted to do with my life. No way was it ending here, like this.


  I screamed, struggling violently when his hand gripped my throat again. He squeezed tighter until my fight against him waned and became a battle for air. I wheezed, trying to drag precious oxygen into my lungs. Black spots of nothingness danced behind my eyelids, getting darker with each futile attempt at pulling in air. I clawed at his hands, manicured fingernails drawing blood and ripping skin. The reward was a deep bite to my shoulder, blood dribbling down my clavicle, pain lancing through me. I halted in my efforts to break free.

  “Good girl.”

  Fingers loosened around my neck. Every sip of air felt like drinking cool, fresh water.

  “Good girl,” he hummed into my ear as he rocked his hips against me, pushing me further into the wall. “You and me are gonna get acquainted in ways we’ve never before.”


  For two days anger festered; a slow boil, showing no signs of dissipating. I could barely temper my rage so stayed out of everyone’s way. When I thought of Laura and the terrifying ordeal she’d went through, I wanted to hunt the motherfucker down and inflict as much pain on the bastard as he had on her. Then shoot the sick fuck. Made up images based on her details flashed through my mind on an endless loop. Brutal visions of rape and sodomy, her flesh being carved and sliced, made me physically gag many a time.

  After she’d poured her heart out for hours, I’d put an exhausted Laura to bed and climbed in behind her until she’d fallen asleep. It was all the comfort I had to give her. I’d crept out of her house and sat at the bottom of her garden, staring out at the water. I tried to comprehend the things she’d told me, figure out what made someone act in such a way. A man who’d professed to love her, put a ring on her finger, no less. I had no answers to assuage me, my head felt utterly replete with too many heinous acts to contend with. I sat there for many hours, only moving when the blue-black sky and fierce damp of the harr coming off the water pushed me to leave.

  Today I had things to do I couldn’t put off. I sat in the quasi office listening to workmen shovelling debris into the skip out the back of the property, my head ached, the noise compounding the pain. Even closing the door hadn’t kept the racket at bay. I flicked through a few quotes lying on the desk, determined to have a productive day and put Laura to the back of my mind for a few hours. The urge to check in on her was ever present. I wanted to give her some space, let her come to me, so I resisted the impulse. There was no point pushing myself on her, being suffocated was the last thing either of us needed.

  A sharp knock at the door grabbed my attention and a groan rumbled up my throat. I wasn’t expecting anyone; Ryder had taken off somewhere with Taylor again and wouldn’t be back for hours. I grudgingly climbed from my seat, crossed the room and swung the door wide. I shouldn’t have been surprised, I’d expected his visit, was taken off guard anyway. I hadn’t seen this snake in more than eighteen years, time had not been kind to him. His shark like eyes took me in as I drew up to my full height in the doorway, the man having never intimidated me, even as a boy.

  “Lucca...” he drawled, “long time.”

  Yeah, not long enough in my book.

  “I should have figured it wouldn’t take you long to crawl out from under your rock.” I sighed, tamping down my irritation and moving so he could enter. “Come in, I guess.”

  Charlie, a shorter man than myself, who went by the name of ‘Boss,’ sauntered into the room. His beady eyes scanned the office as he parked his butt on the chair in front of the desk I was using.

  “Have a seat,” I mumbled, hoping he found the plastic chair as uncomfortable as I found his presence.

  I sat down opposite him and straightened my posture, my larger stature would be somewhat daunting to most. The man no longer knew me, perhaps it would be an advantage.

  “What brings you here?”

  No point in beating around the bush where Charlie was concerned. I wanted him out, not to sit and reminisce about days I’d rather forget.

  “I heard you were back down this neck of the woods. News travels fast.”

  “Cut the crap, Charlie. I haven’t seen you in years for fair reason.”

  “Ah, there it is.” His grin was wolfish, sly. “Your father’s bite. I wondered when you’d take on his traits.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. I was my father’s son all right, but not in the way many liked. Where Rinaldi senior had lived on the wrong side of the law, I played by the book for the most part. I’d made it a life goal to not walk in my father’s shadow, to not be the legacy he so badly desired. The respectable qualities I’d inherited from him I’d built upon and was a far better man than he had ever been. I was notorious, for all the right reasons.

  “Make your point then leave.”

  “Your father took my son and my business, Lucca. What do you think my point is?”

  “I have nothing of his left, Charlie. The money is gone, you know this. I don’t owe you anything.”

  “You still have The Q,” he said.

  I huffed at him, tired of the same old shit. “No, The Queen’s is not mine. Again, you know this.”

  He sighed and folded his hands over his protruding stomach. He’d always been a portly man, what had been muscle and clout before looked much like over indulgence now. The buttons of the coat he wore strained against the fabric - ill-fitting clothes for an ill-fitting character.

  “Tut tut, Lucca. Although I may not be able to see it officially, you and I both know The Q belongs to you.”

  He’d done his homework, done some digging. Found things he shouldn’t have been able to find, things that were hidden. It annoyed me that he was still harping on about a hotel he’d never get his hands on, a property he had no rightful claim to. My father had wronged him, not me.

  “You’re not getting my hotels.” I snapped at him.

  Eyeballing him over the desk, I predicted a battle down the road. It made no sense to show a weakness this early in the game, he would think he could steamroll me into giving up the hotel. I didn’t want that. Charlie was a formidable man, not one to cross. Ryder and I always knew what he’d been getting up to and where he was since the day we left. Keep your enemies close. The fucker didn’t scare me, no matter the violent way he carried out his business.

  “Should I ask my son?” He cocked his head at me.

  I grunted at the stupid old man. Standing up, I rounded the desk to the door and opened it, silently inviting him to leave. His time was up.

  “Let me know when you plan on calling him.” I smirked. “I want a front row seat to that train-wreck.”

  He rose from the chair, pulling leather gloves from his overcoat and tapped them against the palm of his hand. Sauntering to me, he stopped in front of my face, clearly not finished with his threats. He still felt he had something over me.

  “I heard some things about that beautiful wife of yours.”

  There it was.

  I closed my eyes knowing I wasn’t going to like what I heard next. There was a reason Stella had come down here, a reason why she’d been quiet, and Charlie was going to tell me. I should have known better. One up, old man, one up.

  Charlie’s smile was terse. “She’s been hitting up some of my boys in town. Word is...” he patted my shoulder as he moved past me, “...she wants you dead, boyo. I’d watch my back if I were you, Lucca.”

  He w
as angling for a reaction, right? Well, fuck him. I kept my mouth shut. It was another thing to pile onto the shit list for Ryder and me to deal with another day. His idle gossip was of no concern.

  “I’ll be seeing you.” He halted in the middle of the main room, turning to challenge me. “You tell my son to call me, you hear? I have information he wants.”

  * * *

  “What the fuck are you doing that for, man?”

  Ryder flung himself onto the recliner in the corner of the room and flicked on the TV. I held up a shirt I’d pulled from the box at my feet and arched an eyebrow at him.

  “They’re all creased, dude. What the hell do you think I’m doing?”

  The iron hissed, and I jumped back in fright, my best friend pissing himself laughing at me. I balled the shirt up and threw the crumpled mess his way. Ryder making no attempt to catch. Lazy arse!

  “You’ve got money, Lucca. Hire someone, for Christ’s sake. I’m about to revoke your man card.”

  Yeah, I was going to have to hire someone, a housekeeper maybe. Beaufort didn’t have a dry-cleaners, there was no way I could iron these stupid fucking shirts myself. Ryder threw the offending item back and I grumbled as I squinted at the creased cotton. Sighing in defeat, I threw it back into the box. How hard could ironing be? Suffice to say, I was disgusted with my own ineptitude and the simple task of ironing a goddamned shirt.

  “You want a beer?”

  “Peroni and a spare bed for me, bro?”

  He didn’t need to ask. He had a room here, had never stayed in it so far. “You not staying at Taylor’s tonight?”

  He shook his head, never taking his attention from whatever was fascinating him on the television. I took a quick peek - football highlights - go figure.

  “Nah. She’s staying at Laura’s tonight. Says her sister don’t feel well.”

  I snapped my attention to Ryder. “She say what’s wrong with her?”

  He switched the volume to mute and gave me his attention. “No, not really. You seen her since the other day?”

  “How much has Taylor told you?” I didn’t want to break Laura’s confidence, I was sure few people knew the story and if that was the case I wasn’t happy rehashing it all with Ryder, best mate or not.

  “Not that much. Whatever went down was pretty big, I know that much. Sometimes my girl wakes up through the night, you know, crying and shit. Always shouting for Laura.”

  It obviously hurts him to see Taylor like that. Maybe hurts him she hasn’t told him everything.

  “Yeah, it was Laura’s thing. I can’t go into details. Taylor found her, and it wasn’t pretty. She almost died, Ryder. Her sister saved her life, I think.”

  “Shit!” He moved forward in the recliner, placing his elbows on his knees and squinted at me. “A guy involved?”

  I moved to sit down on the sofa, mimicking his position. “Yeah.”


  “Fuck is right, my friend.”

  “And the guy?”

  What could I tell him? I didn’t have a name, had no clue so I shrugged. He eased back in the chair, his posture still stiff.

  “I don’t give a shit what went down as long as it doesn’t come back. I don’t want Taylor running for another fucking eight years. I swear any motherfucker lays a hand on my girl’s head, or Laura’s for that matter, they deal with me and I ain’t playing, Lucca.”

  “Charlie was here today.”

  While we were on the serious subjects, then felt like as good a time as any to throw it into the conversation. I wanted him off the subject of Laura, before I blurted out the whole sorry saga and betrayed a confidence, rehashed gruesome details I’d rather forget.

  “What did the fat fuck want?” Ryder growled.

  No love was lost between the pair. Mention of Charlie always wound Ryder up to near boiling point. He would flip his lid regardless, best to spit it out. “Wants you to call him.”

  His laugh was exaggerated when he got up from the chair. “Fucking idiot.” The curse was a mumble as he walked past me. He threw a piece of paper into my lap from over my shoulder.

  “Taylor asked me to give you this.”

  I picked up the paper and read the words. Well, numbers really. A grin split my face when I saw the cursive writing and her name - Laura. It was her phone number.


  “Taylor thought her sister might need a friend.”

  Ryder was a man of few words, granted mostly obscene words, but his tone suggested the conversation was closed, he was sharing no more.

  “Thanks, mate. I owe you one.”

  I tucked the paper into my pocket wondering when would be the right time to call her. Because I was going to call her, there was absolutely no doubt I’d be using the number in the near future. I sent a silent prayer of thanks to Taylor, the woman had made my night.

  “So, Peroni in the fridge, mate?”


  I was embarrassed...


  I’d broken down and told a man I barely knew, all the sordid details of that day, and those that followed. Lucca had been naturally appalled, his anger simmered, his restraint admirable. Once all was said and done and my shot nerves had calmed, he’d carried me to bed, laid me down and pulled the comforter around me. Then he’d climbed in next to me and wrapped his arms around my raw frame, where silence consumed for a long, long time. I had felt safe. Safe in the arms of Lucca Rinaldi. I’d drifted off into tainted sleep only to wake and find the spot next to me vacant.

  Of course, he’d gone. Who would have stayed?

  Two days later and I still couldn’t find an inkling of warmth the way I had with Lucca wrapped around me. I’d sat staring listlessly out at the water on many occasions for hours, thinking of nothing. Numbness had taken over, its grip solid, the blanket glacial.

  Taylor was picking up on my monotone voice over the phone and threatened an intervention. I loved my sister dearly, but I was tired of her being an audience to my morbidity. I’d convinced her I was okay, and I’d be out and about today, if only to appease her. She was coming to stay the night, regardless, no chance to decline, it was no offer.

  And therein lay the problem – what did I do now? Did I hunt down Lucca, apologise for my lack of self-restraint? Did I ignore what happened and hoped the next time we crossed paths it wouldn’t be an issue? Because we would see each other again, of that I had no doubt. I didn’t understand the compulsion I’d had to blurt out my darkest hours to him. Apparently, my no brain to mouth filter was a thing when I was around him; a sure-fire way to make him run screaming for the hills.

  There was a niggle though, a teeny tiny one whispering in my ear, that Lucca wasn’t the kind of guy to run away from anything. He didn’t give off that vibe. The only thing to do was to take my cue from him, play it the way he led it. It’s not like I’d been in this position before. Marc had known my past was dark, making me wary of men and relationships, beyond that - nothing else. I’d never blurted out to anyone until Lucca sat on my couch and confessed his own struggle with the few words he’d said.

  Kindred spirits.

  That, too, whistled around my semi addled brain. No denying I felt lighter for spilling all and sundry to Lucca. This had been mine and Taylor’s secret for so long, to share it with someone else dislodged a burden. We didn’t typically discuss those days, we didn’t need nor want to. The aftermath and subsequent years had been painful enough without dredging up nightmares that curdled the hardest of stomachs.

  So, back around again - what was I to do?

  Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I pondered and drank my coffee, which helped to ward off the chill from the house. I hadn’t had the wherewithal to light my fire the past two days and the cold was permeating the air harsher than usual. I hugged my jumper tighter around me as I sipped the coffee again. The beeping text noise on my phone startled me enough to jump and spill the hot liquid across my hand.


  I gra
bbed the kitchen towel and wiped at the sloppy mess in front of me, thankful it hadn’t hit my phone. I wanted to shut the day out, but I’d promised my sister I’d make the effort. It was already gone one in the afternoon, so I lifted my phone, expecting a barrage of expletives from a pissed off Taylor.

  Unknown: Hi. I hope it’s ok to text. T gave me your number, said u wouldn’t mind. Lucca

  Pitter patters of nerves unfurled in my stomach as I read the text. Although our encounter had been awkward the other day, I’d intended on seeing him again, found that I liked him from what I’d seen of him. His text was a huge deal, and as I said earlier; I’d take his lead, and this was certainly one in the right direction.

  Me: Hey! Yes, it’s fine.

  Well, that sounded breezy enough.

  I left the ball in his court, hoping I didn’t come across as being too aloof. I’d explained enough already during my meltdown on my sofa, maybe it was his turn. My message alert popped up and I grinned.

  Unknown: U fancy a coffee?

  Unknown: If u r free of course

  Did I? What harm would it do? I felt comfortable around Lucca, more comfortable than I’d been around any other man in my life. I craved his company, even if I had made a tit of myself the other day. I saved the unknown text number to my phone, grinning. No swooning over him, I’d calmed down at least and wasn’t objectifying him like I had the first time we’d met. My tale of woe and his generous ear had put a slant of reality on my fantasies. He was a terrific looking guy, and yes, I was attracted to him. But I could keep a lid on any lust for the sake of a friendship with him. He’d make a great friend, aiming for that at the most was the wisest thing to do.